Overhauled (code & design) of the entire brand including website, subsites, and apps. Responsive email development. Facebook apps. Rebuilt website on a new CMS.

DESIGNER / DEVELOPER · 2017 to 2020


Overhauled Green River College's website, apps, and subsites improving usability and providing a new visual interface.



Performed website audits. Built a new website, subsites, apps, and website components. Assisted marketing department with creative design.



New look and feel to the Green River College brand. Clean and responsive code. 100% W3C valid and WCAG AAA 2.0 accessible website and apps. Significant growth in search rankings.


We found through our research and testing that users identify better with audiences and tasks, which the new site reflects.
Philip Denman
Senior Director of College Relations · GREEN RIVER COLLEGE

Before starting the Green River College project, the Director of IT stated Users were failing basic tasks, as well as missing important information and features on the site.

In addition to usability issues, the website and apps lacked modern visual design and failed to meet accessibility standards.

Completed to the following:

Expedient Website Testing

Goal - Identify and solve critical usability issues. In collaboration with the Marketing team to identify the critical website areas to focus on, using features and apps that students were using most as a guide.

Actions - Pulled website reports to determine hit count, search rankings, code errors and accessibility issues. Sent out surveys to clients and students to obtain feedback on needed improvements and what they would like to get from the website.

Tasks & Results

Built the new Green River College website and prepared for launch.

Ran reports on pages indexed in google.

Created an .htaccess file with 301 redirects to all previously indexed pages, to avoid losing page authority. Website speed went from 6 sec. to less than 1 sec.

Ensured Google gave a boost to the website for accessibility to the handicap. Within two months of launching the new website Google re-indexed the college. The traffic spiked significantly. In the case of sessions more than 1000% as you can see in the chart. As for analytics numbers,everything that could get better did.

Analytics before new site launch
the issues
Analytics after new site launch

Fixing Usability Issues

Below you will find before and after pictures of a few website pages and apps that I coded and helped redesign. Part of the fix was making the website mobile friendly, cross browser platformed, W3C Valid, and Accessible to the handicap.

Home Page - before & after

Holman Library - before & after

Campus Directory - before & after

Payment App - before & after

Time Off App - before & after

Components & Features

I'm proud to admit that all the components and features you will find on GreenRiver.edu were built by me. I worked closely with Michelle Fujimoto, Director of Creative Services to produce designs for the website, components, and features. I let her know that anything she can imagine I can put into code giving her absolute creative freedom.

I helped Michelle with producing the style guide by explaining code standards and addressing any accessibility issues.

Side Project

IP Pathway was a fun little side project for Green River College's International Department.

The task was to produce a sub website where international students could take courses online to qualify for placement at Green River College. There are three courses. Students can pay to take the courses then take a test. All done online through the website.

I built this website on the WordPress platform.
See this project

If you are looking for an innovative, cutting edge website, contact me now. I’m available.